Help me Level Up!
You’ve landed a job in your career field or just a job that can lead to some amazing opportunities! Congratulations! We can help you overcome the negative traits of ADHD and use them to level up in your job.
We ARE a notification platform that is meant to help you level up by using technology to create external prompts and allow your amazing ability to be reactive create proactive habits. You are going to love us! Our system is meant to prompt you when you should be tracking something, turning in something, or start working on a project! Check out the video below on how it can work for you!
Meet Deadlines
Use our prompts to keep you on track and working towards your goals so that you go from always late to turned in early! We send encouragement and keep you on top of things with our notifications. Not to mention we can provide a detail listing of what you’ve done to share at your next 1:1 with your boss or annual review. Check out this template on how to level up.
Reduce Overwhelm
Do you get overwhelmed by having too many tasks to work on choosing what to do first? We’ve got you! When you login to DisruptADHD you will only see 3 tasks populate and they will automatically be populated by due date essentially prioritizing what you need to do first for you! Here is a free resource on how to break down projects.
First of all, you are a rockstar…but in case you are looking for some additional support, you can join our free text community to offer encouragement and tips to keep on Winning with ADHD!