You downloaded our Chrome Extension, Now What?

Take a minute to find out how our extension works in combination with our web app.

Here are the steps for successfully setting up your Disrupt ADHD account and Chrome Extension

Step 1 : Download the Chrome Extension & Create an Account

  • Click here to download the extension and you will see this icon pop up in the top right portion of your chrome browser menu bar

  • Now refresh your chrome page or go to in a new browser tab, you should see this icon in the bottom right portion of your browser

  • From either the chrome extension login page or the webpage you can create a free account to get started or click here. Our free account includes all features except the option for text notifications, kinda cool, huh?

Step 2 : Create a task or two of things you need to do. You can do this from the extension or the web app. Sometimes just getting those things out of your head is a huge help. Just get started in the Web App and our navigation assistant will show you around!

Step 3 : Notifications can only be created from the web app but notifications are created to prompt YOU at the perfect time! How? Let’s say you have a class or a meeting that ends at 12pm and you always have something you need to do afterwards before your next class/meeting. Well, you can setup a prompt to ask you what you need to work on. When you respond it will go directly into the task assistant to remind you later. No paper, no remembering, just awesomeness!

Step 4 : Now go be amazing (because we already know you are) and we will be here cheering you on!