Partnering with our Kids


When I was growing up, I always felt like adults had all the answers and were always right. Teresa Arnesen and I talk about this a bit in this episode of the Winning with ADHD Podcast. We both believed this as truth but as we became adults we definitely learned that we did not and that our parents did not have all the answers. Teresa talks about how she partners with her kids as they grow and learn together. One of the ways that she does this is by admitting when she handled something poorly and apologizing for her reaction and asking to start again.

As parents, we tend to beat ourselves up when we do something wrong and so many people I talk to say they feel like they have failed their kids. I challenge you to take this as an opportunity to learn and grow yourself but also give your kids the opportunity to see how to correct a mistake. Our kids can learn so much by how we handle ourselves and how we model these behaviors and they too will learn to handle situations (and their emotions!) better as they have more experiences.


What went well? What didn’t?


Developing Strategies for Success