Check out this video to learn more about our methodology on how to Win with ADHD!
Our Methodology
Welcome to DisruptADHD! Our methodology on how to Win with ADHD is based on these three areas for success.
Using your characteristics and traits to your advantage
Creating an environment unique to your needs for success
Stacking wins to build self-efficacy and a positive mindset
How to Use DisruptADHD’s Notification & Task Management System
This tutorial shows you how to create those much needed prompts and notifications to win each day!
Want to know how to create and manage tasks within DisruptADHD, check out this tutorial!
How do you Disrupt ADHD?
Perfectly Timed Disruptions
Scheduling texts or notifications at the right time creates the best opportunity to gather assignment details or prompt action.
Task Management
Responses to the scheduled texts are captured in a task management system to help key track of everything due while only displaying the highest priority assignments.
Time Management
While working on assignments, timers will go off to remind to be on task and when to take a break decreasing time to finish a task and a productive mind.
Rewards are Necessary
Instant gratification is created every time an action is taken creating momentum to create positive habits and assignment completion. Points are accumulated for individualized reward programs at home or school.
Consistency equals Success
Consistently following these steps will result in success. Each positive action taken will create a new win that will continue to build resulting in fewer missing assignments, stronger self-esteem, and a more positive relationship between students, parents, and educators.