Help me, Help my Students!

The role of a teacher or a tutor is an incredibly important one! You love to see your students win but find that many students who have ADHD struggle to write down assignments, finish them, turn them in and get easily overwhelmed by the task at hand. We can help you, help them by using their phones and technology to create reactive situations that allows for proactive habits. See how, below!


Use Reactivity

The ADHD brain is wire to be reactive and not proactive and society often views this as a negative trait…but what if we used their reactive nature to their own benefit to create wins? DisruptADHD uses text messaging to capture the students attention at just the right time to capture a new assignment and remind them to turn in an assignment. See the video below on how it could help your students win in your class.


Environment & Rewards

A Winning Environment is absolutely necessary for an ADHD student to thrive. As a teacher/tutor you have the unique opportunity to spend valuable educational time with your students creating this environment. The biggest factor to a successful environment is that they know you CARE about them! When they know you genuinely care about them they can feel that and are more likely to attempt hard things. Click here for some more ideas.

Use Technology, Not Paper

The world operates electronically! Think about it as an adult we get our bills via email, pay them online, and can even setup reminders for due dates or even can setup autopay. What if we thought about school assignments in a similar way? What if we could use technology to help students be successful? No, this isn’t a cheat or a way out but rather taking advantage of what we have to offer today. Click here to get a listing of ways to help students succeed with less paper.



We offer additional free resources to help you, help them along their journey and while they are part of your journey as a teacher/tutor. Often times teachers and parents are learning together how to best meet the student’s needs and can use some of the same information.

  • Join our parent Facebook group to gain additional insights from a different perspective but highly valuable when applied in the classroom or tutoring session

  • Check out our Podcast, Winning with ADHD, while directed at parents it has some gold in it for teachers too!


How DisruptADHD can Help you, Help your Students